Monday, May 21, 2012 Weekly Blog #159

Good Morning and welcome to another week. Memorial Day is just right around the corner hope everyone is making their plans to get out and enjoy some good ol fashion camping in the woods and by the lakes. Make sure to check out our sponser below to get all your weather gadgets in hand before you take to the lake this weekend.
This past week felt like summer and was pretty dry with no rain to be found.

Weekly Climate Report
Another warm week in the making along with a few isolated t-storms.

Winter: None.
Severe: Look for t-storms to roll through the Northern Plains today and also extending back down into Oklahoma and Kansas. T-storms will also be isolated along the Gulf Coast today. Severe weather looks pretty quite until this next weekend when our next potent storm system moves the Northern Plains.
Tropical: First Atlantic Tropical of the season has formed off the coast of South Carolina. Tropical Storm Alberto should continue up the East Coast but remain off the coast and be a more marine impact. Also have to continue watching the Southwest Carribiean over the next couple of days for possible activity.

Our weather course is now online stop by our main page. and click the Weather U tab to enjoy learning about the weather.

This is where you will find weather for everyone to enjoy with our latest powerpoint games, to coloring pages and videos and other great things to enjoy....

No major events for the week.

Don't forget to stop by our online store and see all of our latest and greatest items for sale.

Stop by our main page and check out the latest in Clusters photos, we are now bulding a new photo page so expect to see new photos added often.
"NEW" CLUSTERS CLIMO-DOMEA new feature that we are going to start building our Climate Dome. We will be evaluating the climate along with the impacts of La-Nina and EL-Nino look for more to come soon....

BLOG ADVERTISEMENT: A special thanks to this weeks blog sponser make sure to stop by and get your new weather instruments from one of the finest online weather stores.
Peace of mind is what we all want and unfortunately the weather does not always cooperate in this respect. In some areas, there are local sirens available to alert you, as well as, the television and internet service. But, there is nothing like having a weather radio handy to alert you in hazardous weather conditions especially if bad weather comes during the night. Depending on your job, outdoor activities, or home plans, weather meters and weather stations can also fill these needs as well. You can view these weather instruments at to see which is best for you.

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Enjoy the weather!!
Weathergeeks Weatherworld

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